Northern Coalfields Limited

Invites applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of Junior Stenographer, ITI Electrician Trainee and HEMM Operator Trainee for filling up total 201 Vacancies.

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Junior Stenographer (OL)- Rajbhasha, Grade C


Junior Stenographer (English), Grade C


ITI Electrician Trainee, Cat III


HEMM Operator Trainee, Cat II


Age Limit: Minimum Age is 18 years for all posts; Upper Age limit is for SC/ST – 35 years, for OBC (non creamy layer) – 33 years, and for Unreserved (UR) – 30 years as on 30/10/2016.

Scale of Pay (as per NCWA-IX):

(a) For the Gr. C Posts -> (Monthly Rated) ₹ 19035.02

(b) For Cat III posts -> (Daily Rated) ₹ 636.77
(c) For Cat II posts -> (Daily Rated) ₹ 617.94

Educational Qualifications:

Junior Stenographer (OL) – Rajbhasha ->

(1) Matriculation or equivalent examination from the recognized Board of examination with Hindi as one of the subject, (OR) Matriculate with certificate in Hindi like Prabhakar Praveshika etc.
(2) Must have speed of 80 words per minute in Hindi Shorthand and 30 word per minute in Hindi Typing.

Junior Stenographer (English) ->

(1) Matriculation or equivalent examination from the recognized Board of examination.
(2) Must have speed of 80 words per minute in English Shorthand and 40 word per minute in English Typing.

ITI Electrician Trainee ->

(1) Matriculate (and)
(2) ITI in Electrician Trade. Must have completed Apprenticeship training under Apprenticeship Act 1961.

HEMM Operator Trainee ->

(1) Matriculate with ITI in Fitter/Diesel/Motor Mechanic Trade. Must have completed Apprenticeship training under Apprenticeship Act 1961.
(2) Must have valid Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) License.

Selection Process: Written Test. The test will consist of one paper of overall 100 marks with 2 parts; one technical part of 70 marks which will have 70% weightage in written test and one general part (assessment of mental ability, quantitative ability, logical & reasoning skills) for 30 marks which will have 30% weightage in written test. The technical part will have 70 multiple choice questions (MCQ) each carrying one mark. Similarly, the general part will have 30 MCQ each carrying one mark. The written exam will be conducted for 1.5 hours. The minimum marks in written test for UR to qualify will be 20% in each part and 50% in overall marks i.e an UR candidate has to secure at least 20% marks in each part to qualify as well as 50% in aggregate. The minimum marks in written test for SC/ST/OBC (non creamy layer) to qualify will be 20% in each part and 40% in overall marks i.e. a SC/ST/OBC (non creamy layer) candidate has to secure at least 20% marks in each part to qualify as well as 40% in aggregate.

Application Fee: A non-refundable application fee of ₹ 500/- only for General and OBC (NCL) Candidates to be paid through State Bank of India (SBI) demand draft made in favour of “Northern Coalfields Ltd, Singrauli” payable at SBI, Morwa (Branch Code : 03767). No fee for SC/ ST/ PWD/ Ex-Servicemen/ Departmental Candidates.

How to Apply: Eligible Candidates apply in the prescribed application format along with attested copies of all required valid certificates should be reach to General Manager (P/MP&R), Room No. 15, Personnel Department, NCL HQ, Singrauli, MP – 486889 by Post Only. One candidate can apply only for one post. The last date for receipt of applications is 07/01/2017. The envelope containing application (as per prescribed format) must be super scribed in bold letters on the top mentioning that “APPLICATION FOR POST OF ____, NCL (NRD-2016)”.

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